Saving and planning for retirement is the most important way to ensure a secure financial future. According to the US Department of Labor, “only half of Americans have calculated how much they need to save for retirement.” Many financial advisors
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What is preretirement planning?

What Are Good Retirement Questions?
When it comes to retirement planning, asking questions about how retirement will look develops a clearer path to success. It’s easy to get lost in the nuts-and-bolts of planning or to become fearful of missing some crucial step, but having

What Should a Retirement Plan Include?
Understanding how to start a retirement plan can be a difficult and stressful task for most. As an advisor, it’s your mission to address your client’s concerns and educate them on the different components and risks associated with retirement as

What Are 3 Questions You Should Ask Your Financial Advisor?
Financial advisors and clients exchange many questions, especially when advisors are helping clients retire. These questions guide clients to find the best advisor for their needs and help advisors better serve their clients. Among the many general planning and retirement

What Is the Importance of Retirement Planning?
The importance of retirement planning may seem like a no-brainer to most financial advisors. However, the very idea of retirement planning can be anxiety-inducing. In fact, many people are doubtful that they will ever be able to retire. A recent

What Are the Two Questions the Retiree Must Answer Before They Retire?
The two biggest things to consider before retiring for a retiree are: 1. How much money they have 2. How much money they’ll need When a financial advisor is working on helping clients retire, getting into the specifics of these

How Do You Talk to Someone About Their Retirement?
Talking to a new client about their plans for retirement is the first step a financial advisor takes toward helping clients retire. This is a chance to learn the client’s long-term goals and current finances. Then it’s possible to chart

How Do You Evaluate a Retirement Plan?
If you are a financial advisor, helping clients retire with financial security is likely a regular part of your work. But how do you evaluate their existing retirement plan to see how it stacks up with their needs and fulfill

What Is a Retirement Plan Advisor?
For many financial advisors, helping clients retire comfortably is one of the most satisfying aspects of their job. They apply their unique expertise and knowledge to develop strategies to help clients to plan for their retirement and future. Clients expect

How Much Does an Advisor Make on a 401k Plan?
If you are a fiduciary financial advisor, then you have to have your clients’ best interests in mind. However, there is only so much you can do for a client’s 401(k) plan since you don’t have access to their account.