Resource Downloads
Life Settlement Advisors is committed to empowering seniors and the financial professionals who serve them with valuable insights and practical resources. Below, find free downloads from our library of resources designed to educate seniors, financial advisors, insurance brokers, and more on key senior issues.

New Assets for Your Clients
“According to a 2016 survey, more than 85% of seniors were not aware that their life insurance policy could be sold for an immediate, one-time cash payment. Perhaps more startling, 90% of policyholders whose policies lapse would have considered a life settlement, had they known it was an option.”

Help Clients Make Better Decisions About life Insurance
Whether your clients are just looking into purchasing a life insurance policy, or if they are policyholders whose needs have changed, guiding your clients to make good decisions about life insurance is critical.
Serving Senior Clients
The life settlement market offers seniors from all walks of life an opportunity to trade high life insurance premiums for a significant payout. This presents financial professionals with a new service opportunity—and revenue stream. Learn about how life settlements work and how you can get started offering this exciting option to your senior clients.
Causes of a Dementia Diagnosis
Today, every 66 seconds someone in the United States develops dementia. It’s important that retirees and seniors reaching retirement age pay attention to the early warning signs in order to proactively plan for the future. Find information about the causes of dementia (both treatable and not), early symptoms, and the steps you can take to safeguard your financial future in the event of a dementia diagnosis.
How to Plan for Healthcare Costs in Retirement
The United States is in the midst of massive change in healthcare. With costs rising, insurance plans changing every day, and the future of Social Security in question, today’s seniors are entering their retirement years wondering how they’ll pay for the ongoing healthcare they need: How much can I expect to pay for my prescriptions? What will happen if I need long-term care? What kind of healthcare coverage will I need in the future?
Selling a Life Insurance Policy: FAQs for Financial Advisors
As a financial advisor, you are probably trying to find ways to help your clients every day. You can tell your clients that they need to save more or help them with some tax advice, sure, but putting a substantial amount of cash in your client’s pockets is a bit trickier. What if I told you that there is a way to do this, while also being able to save your clients money every month? It may sound a little too good to be true, but helping your clients obtain a life settlement payout by selling an unneeded or unwanted life insurance policy, even term insurance, can do just that.
Seniors and Mental Health
As seniors, we know the importance of keeping ourselves healthy. Whether it’s through regular doctor visits, medication, getting exercise, or eating well, the key to a long and enjoyable life centers around wellness. But what about our mental health? In this whitepaper from Life Settlement Advisors, we will examine the current state of mental health in seniors, as well as some common mental disorders, symptoms of disease, and treatment options.
The Guide to Goal-Setting in Retirement
Retirement can be one of the most fulfilling and enjoyable parts of life. These are the years when folks can relax and enjoy the fruits of their labor. The working years are over, giving way to free time and the chance to explore new interests and hobbies, while also building memories with family and friends. But, just like anything else, finding happiness sometimes can take planning. In this white paper, we at Life Settlement Advisors want to give you some idea on just how to make sure your retirement dreams and goals come true.