Did you know you can sell all or a portion of a life insurance policy, even term insurance?
(3 minute read)
Just as sure as the months pass with time, so will the bleakness of winter pass and usher in the warmth of spring. Whether you are a green thumb or not, one of the joys of the spring season is that our environment begins to sprout with life and color. If you are the type of person who enjoys a beautiful, vivid, and lush garden from mid-spring to late summer, then you may want to get an early start on preparing your garden with the following tips.
#1 Assess your tools
Unless you’re an avid gardener year-round and routinely clean your tools, taking the time to ensure the efficiency of your tools is going to be an important piece of your gardening success. Routine or seasonal cleaning of your gardening tools protects your soon-to-be seedlings and pruned plants from bacteria that can spread disease. If you’re unsure of how to clean your tools, don’t fret! You’ll need a potent detergent, a scourer, and hot water.
#2 Strip your garden down to the soil
You’ll want to take some time to tidy up your area, clearing dead leaves and other debris from your gardening space. You may choose to remove excess plants that are taking up space. However, if you’re considering the wildlife inside those excess plants, you may want to wait until the spring to remove them.
Once your gardening bed is bare soil again, put the dead plants and grasses in a compost pile or bin to break down. Be sure to remove any weeds from the compost and, to prevent them from germinating, you may burn or completely trash them.
#3 Loosen the soil and sow your seeds.
In order to sow your seeds, you must first till or break the soil. The winter months make the ground relatively solid, and the seeds will need to ‘breathe’ in order to germinate. Typically, you’ll want to till the soil as deep as 14 inches to ensure that your plants have room to root themselves. Now that you have broken the ground, you may use a healthy compost to further supplement your soil with nutrients that will yield successful germination and growth. And of course, keeping the ground moist––but not oversaturated––will help the plants to receive air to the roots.
#4 Mulch your garden.
Alright, so now you’ve cleaned your tools and have stripped your garden down to to the soil. You’ve also tilled the soil and planted your desired seeds. Now, one of the most important pieces is to add mulch to your garden. When you purged your garden of all the debris and withered plants, you probably encountered more weeds than you wanted. By this time, you’ve already gotten rid of the weed remnants. Mulch prevents weeds from sprouting and destroying your garden, so make sure you apply a generous, even layer across your garden. However, you’ll want to be careful not to smother your germinating seedlings with mulch.
As Spring emerges within the next couple of months, we hope that you find joy in starting a garden that will melt away the frigid winds of winter. If you find yourself stuck in the process of planting your garden, you may find searching the internet for more tips extremely helpful. Happy gardening!
Did you know you can sell all or a portion of a life insurance policy, even term insurance? Selling an unwanted life insurance policy is no different than selling your car, home or any other valuable asset that will create immediate cash. Contact us today to learn more.
Leo LaGrotte
Life Settlement Advisors